Friday, December 7, 2012

So... What's Changed?

It's been almost a week since I've returned from Colombia, and as promised, I wanted to write again during "re-entry." Colombia is in my dreams and on my mind for many moments during the day-- as I wrap Colombian Christmas presents, eat snacks I haven't had all year, or drive my car and remember how glad I am not to be sitting in Bogota traffic.

And since I walked off the plane, welcomed by USA Homeland Security, I knew I had changed. My life had changed. I'm different now. "How," you may ask? We'll it's in the little things. I catch myself playing out conversations in my head in Spanish. I am now a coffee snob (Dunkins, I think we should see other people...). I want a small dinner and a big lunch. I was 20 MINUTES LATE meeting Ben for lunch. These things happen sub-consciously and I think, "Oh, how Colombian." These are the habits that you adapt to when living in a new place often seep into your being without knowing it.They only happen when you emerge yourself in a culture for enough time to become a small part of it. Only once you return to your "normal" place that these changes become apparent.

But then there are the bigger changes. These are the things I am still flushing out. The many adventures, experiences, and well... now, memories. My students made me more compassionate. Teaching made me more flexible. Bogota made me more patient. City life made me more independent. Cultural difference made me appreciate diversity in the USA. And being far from home made me thankful for such special loved ones in my life.

I'm happy to be home. I miss Colombia. I am ready for the next adventure. I am saying goodbye to this chapter. I am so glad I had this experience, stuck it out when times were tough, and made this year worth it. I don't know what my next steps will be exactly, but I do know this is only the beginning of my time working with education, public service, and South America. We will see where the road takes me!

As for tonight... I'm going to indulge in some Ben & Jerry's ice cream, snuggle my puppies, and be happy in the place I am at today.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What doesn't fit in a suitcase...

Today is the day I leave Colombia. My flight departs at midnight and I will be back on Beantown soil around 10:30 tomorrow morning. I'm wearing the exact same clothes I flew here in-- green sweater, scarf, and favorite jeans-- and I probably look the same too. But, of course, I'm not coming home the same. I'm taking home many more things than I could ever fit in a suitcase.

For example:

- A Colombian booty. That's right, I'm practically Shakira from behind. New pants shopping is high on the to-do list when I get home.

- An empty bank account. Such is the life of a volunteer, right?

- Arequipe, ajiaco, lulo tea, panela, aguardiente... Don't know what these things are? You'll find out!

- Quite a few more additions to my jewelry, shoe and scarf collections.

- Manicured and Pedicured nails. Things I would not do at home but need to take advantage of while I'm in a country where it costs nine bucks!

- A bigger vocabulary in Spanish, but a suffering English vocabulary! 

- Friendships with Colombians. So many great people have told me I will always have a home to come back to here. And I feel that. I will come back someday and it will feel like a little piece of home again.

- Friendships with fellow WorldTeach volunteers. I feel so lucky to have been a part of such a spectacular group of people. We have now shared a bond that will connect us for a long time.

- Questions. I came here with questions, and I am leaving with many more. But that is the beauty of exploration-- of places and of life. I honestly cannot say what my life will look like in the next year or even the next month. But one thing Colombia has taught me is to be tranquila and just let it happen. So we will see!

- Motivation. Some may also call this "itchy feet." I am so happy to go home and see loved ones, but I know there will be a point in the near future where I will be ready to go again. Go where? I don't know. Not a clue. But traveling is absolutely something that becomes addictive, and there is so much more of the world I want to see. I want to DO and SEE and GO! The Doing, Seeing, and Going is yet to be determined.

- A full heart. I can remember moments this year when I felt pure joy. I can remember moments where I felt absolute sadness and fear. Each tug of my emotions Colombia has put me through has made me a bit stronger and a lot more full of life. Not to mention the gifts my students have given me and the experiences of learning about this beautifully crazy country.

I'm going to write again on the plane tonight and will continue to post in the coming weeks. This chapter of my life is not fully complete, even when my feet hit more familiar land...